ATCC Enews Sign-up

We try our best to keep in touch with our members, we also do our best to extend the communication to the entire business community about any promotions, updates, events etc that we are running. 

Recent ‘bad mouthing’ made it’s way back to our hard working committee, comments like those received certainly make us question why we spend hours each week helping others. Luckily we have a fantastic group of financial members that give us reason to keep going. Thank you. 

As you are aware, the committee is made up of volunteers, we are busy with our own time consuming businesses and other commitments just like you. We rely on fellow business owners to engage with and get involved in the Chamber, it can be as simple as becoming a member  

We welcome you to attend any of our meetings to give feedback, make suggestions or ask for our support. 

To ensure that businesses are receiving our email correspondence, can you please help us out by completing the form so that we can update your preferences.

Please also forward this to all of your local business contacts in case they are not currently on the list. We honestly don’t know who we are missing as there is currently over 450 subscribers.